The Knowledge base contains release notes and solutions to common problems that you may encounter while working with Ultra Fractal.

Ultra Fractal 6.06 release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 6.06: Native Apple Silicon support, bug fixes.

Ultra Fractal 6.05 release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 6.05: Better anti-aliasing when rendering to disk, bug fixes.

Ultra Fractal 6.04 release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 6.04: Improved compatibility with macOS Big Sur, bug fixes

Ultra Fractal 6.03 release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 6.03: Dark Mode support on Mac and bug fixes

Ultra Fractal 6.02 release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 6.02: improved toolbar on Windows, bug fixes and more

Ultra Fractal 6.01 release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 6.01: bug fixes and small improvements

Ultra Fractal 5.55 for Mac release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 5.55 for Mac: support for macOS Sierra

Ultra Fractal 5.54 for Mac release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 5.54 for Mac: OS X 10.10 Yosemite support

Ultra Fractal 5.53 for Mac release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 5.53 for Mac: various bug fixes

Ultra Fractal 5.52 for Mac release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 5.52 for Mac: Extended Edition support and more

Ultra Fractal 5.51 for Mac release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 5.51 for Mac?

Ultra Fractal 5.50 for Mac release notes
What's new in Ultra Fractal 5.50 for Mac?

Ultra Fractal 5.04 release notes
Overview of changes and bug fixes in Ultra Fractal 5.04.

Ultra Fractal 5.03 release notes
Overview of changes and bug fixes in Ultra Fractal 5.03.

Ultra Fractal 5.02 release notes
Overview of changes and bug fixes in Ultra Fractal 5.02.

Ultra Fractal 5.01 release notes
Overview of changes and bug fixes in Ultra Fractal 5.01.

Ultra Fractal 4.04 release notes
Overview of changes and bug fixes in Ultra Fractal 4.04.

Windows Vista support in Ultra Fractal
Describes Windows Vista support in versions of Ultra Fractal prior to 4.04.

Ultra Fractal 4.03 release notes
Overview of changes and bug fixes in Ultra Fractal 4.03.

Ultra Fractal 4.02 release notes
Overview of changes and bug fixes in Ultra Fractal 4.02.

Ultra Fractal 4.01 release notes
Overview of changes and bug fixes in Ultra Fractal 4.01.

Flame Fractals
When you work with flame fractals in Ultra Fractal, you can run into Out Of Memory problems. This topic explains why that happens and what you can do about it.

Opening Ultra Fractal 4 files with Ultra Fractal 3
Most parameter sets and fractal files written by Ultra Fractal 4 will open fine in Ultra Fractal version 3.05. This topic describes the exceptions.

For technical support, you can also contact the author of Ultra Fractal via e-mail at .



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