
Formulas are often composed of several separate calculations. Therefore, it is necessary to store intermediate results in memory. To do this, you must use variables.

Identifiers are used to refer to variables. An identifier must start with a letter, followed by one or more letters, digits or the underscore character "_". Here are some examples of valid identifiers:


It does not matter if the letters are lower- or uppercase, so "myvar" and "MyVar" represent the same variable. Some identifiers (called keywords) are reserved by the compiler for other purposes: you cannot use them as variables.

Before you can read from a variable, you must first write to it. To do this, use the = (assignment) operator:

x = 3
y = 3 + 28 / 7

The variable is created when it is first written to. By default, the type of the variable is complex, but you can change that by placing a type keyword (bool, int, float, complex or color) in front of the assignment. Alternatively, you can declare the variable before using it.

int i
i = 2
int x = 3
bool MyBooleanVariable = x > 3

Assignments are expressions themselves, so their result can be assigned again. This example gives both x and y the value 1:

x = y = 1

To read from a variable, use the identifier in an expression. This example reads the value in x and stores it in y:

y = x

Of course, you can also perform calculations when doing this:

y = x * 3 + 7

Next: Parameters

See Also
Type compatibility