Pausing computation: Provided I'm not missing any existing functionality, is there anybody else who would welcome a pausing feature for 'normal' computations, i.e. outside "Render to Disk"? Sometimes when I was too greedy with open windows, I'd like to be able to prioritise which image actually gets completed first, or I keep a window open for some reason whose computation I'm not currently interested in at all. A hotkey "p" would be all that's needed UI-wise.
Thumbnail refresh: I noticed that any ongoing thumbnail computation is restarted if one saves a new parameter set to the file. Renaming an entry also sometimes leads to the same kind of reload. I admit that mass-processing thumbnails is rare, but this restarting is exacerbated by the fact that only two threads are used for the computation... More threads would especially be useful for feature suggestion #3:
Anti-aliased thumbnails: Being tiny, anti-aliasing of thumbnails should be as affordable as helpful, given how hard it sometimes is to recognise structures in those few pixels. It would essentially be a one-time investment in long-term comfort. And whoever considers the current thumbnails fine could use anti-aliasing to have a similar quality at a smaller size, but fitting more of them on the screen.