Would someone be so kind as to point me in the direction of a spiral that resembles a nautilus shell. Most spirals I've come across are large and run off the page while I am looking for a more self-contained, succinct design. There are many fine examples of Nautilus spirals on DA but they are made with Apophysis or some other fractal program. As for UF I have no idea which formulas to use. Thanks in advance for suggestions.

Would someone be so kind as to point me in the direction of a spiral that resembles a nautilus shell. Most spirals I've come across are large and run off the page while I am looking for a more self-contained, succinct design. There are many fine examples of Nautilus spirals on DA but they are made with Apophysis or some other fractal program. As for UF I have no idea which formulas to use. Thanks in advance for suggestions.

If it's a simple spiral you're after, with no branches, then have a look at the Brew formulas in tma3.ufm. Other Brews are available in his other two files as well.

One of my favourites is Sweet Brew 03. It gives very clean results. Here is a starter layer for you to look at:


Fractal1 {
title="Fractal1" width=900 height=600 layers=1 resolution=200
credits="Christine-Ann Martin;8/18/2017"
caption="Layer 1" opacity=100 method=multipass
center=0.6844740245/2.4711708447 magn=0.72523044
maxiter=250 percheck=off filename="tma3.ufm" entry="SweetBrew03"
p_mode=Julia p_switchMode=Julia p_startSeed=0.6/-0.1 p_bailout=44.0
p_eye=-1.0 p_frog=0.0 p_hen=-.5/0 p_bat=0/0 p_maid=0/0 p_t=0.0/0.0
p_dew=0.0/0.0 p_exp1=1/0 p_exp2=1/0 p_exp3=1/0 p_exp4=1/0 p_exp5=1/0
p_exp6=1/0 p_exp7=1/0 p_exp8=1/0 p_exp9=1/0 p_op2=+ p_op3="*"
p_op4=+ p_group=1 f_fn1=exp f_fn2=flip f_fn3=ident f_fn4=ident
f_fn5=ident f_fn6=tanh f_fn7=ident f_fn8=ident f_fn9=ident
transfer=none solid=4278215290
transfer=sqrt repeat=no solid=4286722382 filename="ldm.ucl"
entry="ldm-Doodads" p_trp=yes p_txp=yes p_m=K p_mr=A p_mrf=no
p_tad=0.0 p_fm=1/1 p_cm="Min Distance" p_mc=8.0 p_tm=1 p_ta=0.0
p_change=1 p_exp1=1/0 p_exp3=1/0 p_exp2=1/0 p_tw=0/0 p_tw2=0/0
p_tw3=0/0 p_op=+ p_ptt=" Off" p_pta=0.2 p_pct=no p_nsc=1/1 p_ur=no
p_v2=1.0 p_tb=15 p_f=1.05 p_step=20 p_r=0.0 p_pto=-1/.75 p_psc=5.0
p_ptd=5.0 p_ptm=1.0 p_pff=1.0 p_tp=1.0 p_sk=0.0 p_co=no p_pwr=3.0
p_mul=3.0 p_sb=0.0 p_sa=0.0 p_msk=0.0 p_im=no f_fn4=ident
f_fn1=ident f_fn2=ident f_fn3=ident f_fn9=ident f_fn8=ident
f_nufunc=ident f_nufunc2=ident f_nufunc3=ident f_fn5=ident
f_fn6=ident f_fn7=ident
linked=yes smooth=yes index=57 color=16777215 index=371 color=0
index=399 color=0
smooth=yes index=57 opacity=255 index=371 opacity=255 index=399

Hope this helps. smile

If it's a simple spiral you're after, with no branches, then have a look at the Brew formulas in tma3.ufm. Other Brews are available in his other two files as well. One of my favourites is **Sweet Brew 03**. It gives very clean results. Here is a starter layer for you to look at: ![5996c43cd8cfa.jpg](serve/attachment&path=5996c43cd8cfa.jpg) > Fractal1 { fractal: title="Fractal1" width=900 height=600 layers=1 resolution=200 credits="Christine-Ann Martin;8/18/2017" layer: caption="Layer 1" opacity=100 method=multipass mapping: center=0.6844740245/2.4711708447 magn=0.72523044 formula: maxiter=250 percheck=off filename="tma3.ufm" entry="SweetBrew03" p_mode=Julia p_switchMode=Julia p_startSeed=0.6/-0.1 p_bailout=44.0 p_eye=-1.0 p_frog=0.0 p_hen=-.5/0 p_bat=0/0 p_maid=0/0 p_t=0.0/0.0 p_dew=0.0/0.0 p_exp1=1/0 p_exp2=1/0 p_exp3=1/0 p_exp4=1/0 p_exp5=1/0 p_exp6=1/0 p_exp7=1/0 p_exp8=1/0 p_exp9=1/0 p_op2=+ p_op3="*" p_op4=+ p_group=1 f_fn1=exp f_fn2=flip f_fn3=ident f_fn4=ident f_fn5=ident f_fn6=tanh f_fn7=ident f_fn8=ident f_fn9=ident f_fn10=ident inside: transfer=none solid=4278215290 outside: transfer=sqrt repeat=no solid=4286722382 filename="ldm.ucl" entry="ldm-Doodads" p_trp=yes p_txp=yes p_m=K p_mr=A p_mrf=no p_tad=0.0 p_fm=1/1 p_cm="Min Distance" p_mc=8.0 p_tm=1 p_ta=0.0 p_change=1 p_exp1=1/0 p_exp3=1/0 p_exp2=1/0 p_tw=0/0 p_tw2=0/0 p_tw3=0/0 p_op=+ p_ptt=" Off" p_pta=0.2 p_pct=no p_nsc=1/1 p_ur=no p_v2=1.0 p_tb=15 p_f=1.05 p_step=20 p_r=0.0 p_pto=-1/.75 p_psc=5.0 p_ptd=5.0 p_ptm=1.0 p_pff=1.0 p_tp=1.0 p_sk=0.0 p_co=no p_pwr=3.0 p_mul=3.0 p_sb=0.0 p_sa=0.0 p_msk=0.0 p_im=no f_fn4=ident f_fn1=ident f_fn2=ident f_fn3=ident f_fn9=ident f_fn8=ident f_nufunc=ident f_nufunc2=ident f_nufunc3=ident f_fn5=ident f_fn6=ident f_fn7=ident gradient: linked=yes smooth=yes index=57 color=16777215 index=371 color=0 index=399 color=0 opacity: smooth=yes index=57 opacity=255 index=371 opacity=255 index=399 opacity=255 } Hope this helps. :)

Chris Martin
Gallery: Velvet--Glove.deviantart.com

Currently using UF6.05 on Windows 11 Professional 64-bit


Chris - Exactly what I am looking for, it's beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Much appreciated. I can't wait to work with it.

Chris - Exactly what I am looking for, it's beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Much appreciated. I can't wait to work with it.

I was finally able to work up a design I'm satisfied with. I take much inspiration from various artists on DA, namely Renatamag and all of the wonderful parameters she so willingly offers, Velvet--Glove (yes, you Chris!) for the Gold Textures and the formula I used here, and finally Kattvinge for the exceptional ATEXTUR pack. Any suggestions for improvement please let me know. I'm not used to working with so many layers! One thing I know I missed is a shadow or something around the gem.


I was finally able to work up a design I'm satisfied with. I take much inspiration from various artists on DA, namely Renatamag and all of the wonderful parameters she so willingly offers, Velvet--Glove (yes, you Chris!) for the Gold Textures and the formula I used here, and finally Kattvinge for the exceptional ATEXTUR pack. Any suggestions for improvement please let me know. I'm not used to working with so many layers! One thing I know I missed is a shadow or something around the gem. ![599a31a4af692.jpg](serve/attachment&path=599a31a4af692.jpg)
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