I have been using Fractal Explorer [now defunct, and I'm kicking myself fro not buying a license to the source years ago when the Russian dude was still responding to e-mail] and I have many [probably about 1k] original fractal formulae that are stuck in that format.
I still have the app, but it only works on 32 bit systems, and I only have one 32 bit computer left.
I followed the instructions on writing fractals in UF but that was not at all helpful, as in absolutely nothing but a black screen resulted. I used the default Mandelbrot file as a base exactly as the tutorial [haha!] describes, but it assumes too much knowledge of the app.
One such formula is here:
That particular one is rendered as a Julia, with R -0.1 I 0.0
I post all of my formulae to Flickr along with the resultant images, but not always the parameters, though I will share freely if asked [*.frs format until migrated to UF].
Any help converting this to UF would be awesome, because if I can get ONE in UF format I can do the rest [obviously coloration is a different beast, and if you have ever used FE, you know it has more than 50 built in methods and more]. I can provide the *frs file if needed but I just used the default Mandelbrot in FE as well, and the coloration is Log(|Z|) based, with bailout Z. Not sure if that is enough info...
Regardless, any help is appreciated because all attempts have failed on my end, I just don't know enough about this app.