@ultrafractal Frederik
Codoforum blog mentions a plugin called codoPM to exchange messages and files privately.
Would it be possibly to add here?

Is deleting posts/topics allowed and will this orphan replies?
This issue came up on another forum and it was decided that the forum admin or moderators would decide on a deletion request.

Speaking of moderators, are you considering adding some?
(Just asking, not trying to volunteer smile)

Also, I noticed a few familiar names when using the @ function !

User can mention each other in posts by writing an "@" before the username. Mentioned users are instantly notified by desktop notifications or by e-mail, if they are offline. This way they can quickly jump into the discussion.

@ultrafractal Frederik [Codoforum](http://codoforum.com/) [blog](https://codoforum.com/blog/codoforum-v-2.0-released) mentions a plugin called **codoPM** to exchange messages and files privately. Would it be possibly to add here? Is deleting posts/topics allowed and will this orphan replies? This issue came up on another forum and it was decided that the forum admin or moderators would decide on a deletion request. Speaking of moderators, are you considering adding some? (Just asking, not trying to volunteer :x) Also, I noticed a few familiar names when using the **@** function ! > Mentions User can mention each other in posts by writing an **"@"** before the username. Mentioned users are instantly notified by desktop notifications or by e-mail, if they are offline. This way they can quickly jump into the discussion.

I'll check out the codoPM plugin, that seems useful indeed. At the moment you can delete your own posts, but not others. The moderators (at the moment only me) can delete posts when needed. And of course we can add more moderators later on! smile

I'll check out the codoPM plugin, that seems useful indeed. At the moment you can delete your own posts, but not others. The moderators (at the moment only me) can delete posts when needed. And of course we can add more moderators later on! ;)

Ultra Fractal author


@ultrafractal Frederik

At the moment you can delete your own posts, but not others.

When someone deletes their own Topic, do all the replies by other people also get deleted?
I hope that is not the case.

@ultrafractal Frederik >At the moment you can delete your own posts, but not others. When someone deletes their own **Topic**, do all the replies by other people also get deleted? I hope that is not the case. - http://codoforum.com/pages/blog/img/2.png
edited Nov 30 '15 at 8:08 am

I just checked it and indeed all replies can be deleted as well. So I've changed the permissions so normal users can't delete posts; they should contact a moderator instead.

I just checked it and indeed all replies can be deleted as well. So I've changed the permissions so normal users can't delete posts; they should contact a moderator instead.

Ultra Fractal author

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