About the second time I tried the tutorials in UF6 the images will not show up. Only an [X] in a box appears. How can I fix this?
How do I stop UF6 from recalculating the image everytime i do something else? And how do i get the perview fractal into a window?
posted Oct 6 '17 at 7:47 pm
Is the UF benchmark database site still alive? I'd like to compare the performance of my new laptop to the rest of the bunch, and I can't find the site.
posted Sep 29 '17 at 12:08 am
So... starting to scratch some headway into this fantastic program. I had a question about accepted use of using formulas and rights of an author.
If a formula is shared, in open forum, or as a public download, and I use it to modify and create images, for sale, are these mentioned formulas royalty free? As an image creator and photographer, who normally builds images off original photos, I
Hi all, after a long time without changes I've finally added a new transform to mmf3.uxf which allows randomisation of the calculated coordinates from nothing through "slight move" to completely random - the latter produces fabulous varied fBm
posted Sep 13 '17 at 9:58 am
I try to use http://formulas.ultrafractal.com/login.htm , to change my ea.ufm
I get this message (in Firefox):
“Your connection is not secure”
The owner of formulas.ultrafractal.com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.”
Also in Google Chrome I see “not safe”.
posted Sep 18 '17 at 8:55 pm
I was wondering about the upgrade policies for this application.
I see there is a v.6 coming out, if I buy 5 for the Mac, will I have to incur an update price for 6? How is this handled. Do I get all the version for a release? such as 5.xx etc, and then pay for full release?
(not sure if I'm using the right verbiage)
posted Sep 14 '17 at 12:23 am
I've tried over and over to follow the tutorial. One of the instructions request to copy the seed values from the document, which I did and verified by pasting to a note, however I keep trying to do this over and over, to paste to the fields but the option to paste complex value remains grayed out. I even tried the keyboard commands but no result. My only workaround is to manually enter the valu
Hello everyone,
I'm in the final phase of getting UF6 ready and I'm looking for some Mac beta testers. If you're willing to test the new Mac version and give me some feedback, please send me an email at info@ultrafractal.com.
posted Sep 12 '17 at 10:33 pm
Trying to follow manual. Get to this point "● To load a pre-saved gradient, select Replace from the File menu." for the life of me can not find a "Replace" link in any menu. Where is it?
posted Sep 12 '17 at 5:26 pm
I literally downloaded the trial yesterday. I can't get past the very first paragraph that, in part, states:
"● Click Close on the File menu to close the fractal window. Now, the workspace is empty except for a
row of Tool Windows on the right side of
the screen."
when I follow this, the whole program shuts down. The only workaround I could do is instead of "Close" I select "
posted Aug 15 '17 at 6:43 pm
Would someone be so kind as to point me in the direction of a spiral that resembles a nautilus shell. Most spirals I've come across are large and run off the page while I am looking for a more self-contained, succinct design. There are many fine examples of Nautilus spirals on DA but they are made with Apophysis or some other fractal program. As for UF I have no idea which formulas to use. Th
posted Aug 17 '17 at 2:50 am
I hope it is ok to post other artist's fractal work here. I found this on Renderosity, and Wow, what a masterpiece! It caught my attention even though it is from several years ago, created with an older version of UF. It was made by Daniele Lupo, one of the UF formula writers. He even posted the parameters in his formula file, among others. I attempted to upload it but not all of the pieces
posted Aug 12 '17 at 11:44 am
Hi I am new to the forum & new to Ultra Fractal. I havn't done fractals for a few years & originally used Apophysis but I am loving learning what UF can do.
I have a quick question. I know this can be done for Apophysis though must admit have forgotten how to do it but can gradients be created from outside of UF & used within UF. If so is there a tutorial?
Many thanks Anne
posted May 25 '17 at 11:07 am
Hello, Fractalers,
I just found out about a YouTube video showing a massive zoom, and I would like to share the URL with you. The video is 9 minutes long. Here it is:
posted Aug 1 '17 at 1:54 am
Hello All,
I'm new to the forum and I have been studying Ultra Fractal for several months now, there sure is a lot to learn. I've been loving every minute of it and I have many questions. For starters, I somehow came across a lot of beautiful gradients in the KCC folder. I don't see much discussion about them anywhere and I'm sure there are other pre-loaded gradients accessible in UF. Why
posted Mar 4 '17 at 12:59 am
My fractal art differs from the typical ones created by UF as being less "complicated". That they are more simplistic is primarily due to lacking advanced mathematical skills. Most begin with a posted formula that I randomly and almost haphazardly revise without awareness of what the results will be. Examples are posted at www.nsapc.com/fractal. I would like to hear from others who use a similar
New chatroom for UF users. For sharing ideas, params or just hang out.
I had UF 2.04 and bought Ultra Fractal 5 Extended Edition upgrade. The computer I originally had UF 2.04 on crashed, and I don't have the license for it any longer. It was so long ago, I no longer have the email I received because I switched internet providers. I sent an email to info@ultrafractal.com, and have not received a response back. There was information in the email with the licsense rec
posted May 2 '17 at 5:09 pm
Hallo, ich bin ganz neu hier und teste noch die Demo Version. Möchte UF aber wohl gerne kaufen denke ich. Was mich als erstes Interessiert. Sind die Standart Fraktals die ich im Programm mitgekauft habe frei? Sprich, darf ich daraus meine eigenen machen und die für Videos und Cover nutzen? UND wer könnte mir evtl. über einen Chat etwas helfen bei meinen ersten Versuchen.