The Preferences window cannot be re-sized. With my chosen larger font size, not all the content is visible. Here's an example:
When browsing for formulas & etc., UF shows thumbnails to help the user choose. Thumbnails would also be helpful when choosing a gradient from a .ugr file.
I was just working with the distance estimation algorithms and also created a few for some of my own fractals.
The idea came up that it might be possible to significantly increase the calculation speed using a distance estimation method, especially when high anti-aliasing is used.
The distance is particularly accurate when you are near the boundary. You could, for example, use a 9x9 anti-al
Masks are applied to a group by applying the mask to each layer in the group, according to the help file.
It would be useful if a mapping transformation could be applied to a group, presumably by applying it to each layer. (A kaleidoscope transformation is one obvious example.)
The help file clearly states that, for complex z = (x,y),
|z| = sqr(x) + sqr(y).
It does not say that, for float x, |x| = sqr(x), but it should.
I loaded a saved upr after changing a formula. I got the unhelpful message
Could not locate parameter 'which' in 'GenericGradientColoring' in 'Documents\Ultra Fractal 6\Formulas\Standard.ucl'
The missing parameter actually was in 'Shape Distance' in jlb.ulb. The chain is
Standard.ucl has GenericGradientColoring
jlb.ulb has Color by Distance, a sub-class of GenericGradientColoring
When I made a new class with a first line like this:
class NewTransform(UserTransform)(
instead of the correct
class NewTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform)(
the UF compiler made no complaint. NewTransform just didn't show up on my list of available UserTransform plug-ins.
(I don't see how the compiler would even know to look at this class to check for errors.)
posted Jan 5 '16 at 3:28 pm
Im having odd, random crashes on my new macbook pro. awesome...
Considering the small, text based size/structure of .ufr's..
I assume an auto backup file thats generated in text and updated overtime i make a change would be easy to implement.
if uf wants to crash, fine. simply access the backup text file with every state of the ufr's history.
An iterate save option with a keyboard sh
When all pixels are Inside, the Statistics panel shows Min. iterations 0 and Max. iterations 0, and nothing on the Iterations graph. Shouldn't both of those values be #maxiter, not 0, and the graph be a vertical line?
There are some things in the formula editor which would come in handy that I would like to see.
For loops.
From the C++ documentation ( ) :
The for loop is designed to iterate a number of times. Its syntax is:
for (initialization; condition; increase) statement;
Like the while-loop, this loop repeats statement while condition is true.
Some formula writing would be easier if the Formula class in common.ulb had in its protected area
complex m_c
and functions like
func SetC(complex c)
m_c = c
complex func GetC( )
return m_c
Including these changes would not break any current fractals and would allow simpler switching from Mandelbrot-type to Julia-type.
If you use the code window, open the search dialog, copy a text from the code, mark the search field in the dialog, paste the text.
The text is written in the code window, not the search dialog.
In Formula plug-ins, setting
in the default section is not allowed. It should be allowed, as it is in non-class formulas (*.ufm).
Ditto for setting
method = multipass
With some of my recently changed formulas I've run into a problem. Here's a screenshot illustrating the problem:
The red bars should not be there. If I reload the fractal, the bars are different but still red. I also get different red bars with and without anti-aliasing, and different red bars when rendering. This image is with min and max threads of 20, the max on my system. With fewer
posted Jan 7 '24 at 11:56 pm
I ran into a bit of a headscratcher today when moving a commented line changed the output of my fractal formula. I eventually figured out that I had two comments, the first of which was a line ending in \ (the continuation character), and any line following a comment which ends with \ is not executed.
While this kind of makes sense when thinking about it (i.e. the current command c
posted Nov 10 '22 at 10:32 pm
I am going through the UltraFractal help
Combining fractals with Images.
And I get to this step:
"Locate the Color Trap plug-in parameter (currently set to Trap Shape Wrapper) and click the Browse button next to it. Navigate to the common.ulb file in the Public folder and select the Image Trap plug-in."
As soon as I click on Public->common.ulb
I get the follo
I found three instances in plug-in library classes that the compiler misses errors and the class doesn't show up as a plug-in.
I wrote clas instead of class
I left off the ) before the { on the first line
I left off the final } of the class (this only when the class is the last one in the ulb file).
If I leave off the initial {, the rest of the class shows up as a comment, so the error is e
Has anyone heard of this old software called ChaosPro? There is a feature that allows the generation of hypercomplex, octonionic and quaternionic fractals. I wonder if something like that can be possible in Ultra Fractal in the future, as a means to learn more about them. Is it possible to add these in a future update, and adapt perturbation theory, series approximation and bivariate linear appro
posted Dec 4 '23 at 7:36 am
I am not sure whether this is a feature I missed or a bug, but I noticed my monitor not turning off over night recently and tried to figure out what was happening. I used powercfg /requests as admin to see what was preventing it and it turns out it is UF.
Is this intended behavior?
There was nothing rendering, but there were 7 fractals and 2 formula files open at the time.
posted Aug 28 '23 at 8:10 pm
I've seen this several times now with different fractals, and I don't know what causes it, but sometimes multi-layer fractals are offset. This problem seems to go away when activating anti-aliasing in the working window. Here's a screenshot:
It seems to be always exactly 1 pixel along the y-axis of the monitor, no matter the rotation of the fractal. And it also remains 1 pixe