Eric B
posted Mar 2 at 12:03 am
posted Aug 2 '19 at 12:29 am
I went through the documentation but I am not sure I am understanding correctly.
My question is pretty simple.
If I have a formula file
an Inside COloring file
and OUtside Coloring file
Can I pass a parameter on the formula file to the coloring file... specifically the Color density?
Thank you for your help in advance!
The Preferences window cannot be re-sized. With my chosen larger font size, not all the content is visible. Here's an example:
posted Feb 5 '24 at 10:22 pm
Hi - I'm trying to do some zooms and I'm getting a lot of "sparklies" in areas where there's lots of detail (hopefully that descriptor makes sense). Adjusting the anti-aliasing parameters help a bit but the sparklies never really go away. Depth 2 or 3 seems to have the most effect but the render times become extremely long. Threshold of 0 vs. 0.1 vs 0.2 doesn't seem to have much effect. I've
When browsing for formulas & etc., UF shows thumbnails to help the user choose. Thumbnails would also be helpful when choosing a gradient from a .ugr file.
I was just working with the distance estimation algorithms and also created a few for some of my own fractals.
The idea came up that it might be possible to significantly increase the calculation speed using a distance estimation method, especially when high anti-aliasing is used.
The distance is particularly accurate when you are near the boundary. You could, for example, use a 9x9 anti-al
Would someone have an example of a neg mandel param similar to those of Dan Wills? I have only just come across these and woud like to play with them.
I am struggling to implement automatic differentiation in a plug-in library... can anybody help? No one has ever tried to add it at all, and it is a pain to find the derivative or the integral by hand.
posted May 9 '23 at 9:52 pm
I have an older INtel i7 computer I don't use anymore because I replaced it with newer one. I would like to use the old I7 computer as a server. To my understanding. THere is a way to make the older computer into a Server. Reading the instructions I am trying to understand some things.
Does having the server mean that all computation runs on the server all computers running server or is
posted Dec 27 '17 at 12:49 pm
Hi Frederik,
When using UF6 (and the previous versions also) my computers CPU (Intel I5 with 4 cores) is working at 100 % while my GPU (NVIDIA GeForce GTX670) is doing ... right ... nothing at all.
There are softwares - I'm refering to "SETI@home" (*) - that are doing math calculations and are using not only the CPU's in your PC but also the GPU as you can see on the diagram below and th
posted Dec 16 '24 at 11:44 am
Oh boi! Finally managed to get back to "ultrafractaling" after some six years. Sucks to be me. lol
Anyways, lets hope life doesn't happen again. Thank you so much for making this awesome software, both from the artistic point of view as well as a software/app. I will try to eat your brains with so many questions and feature requests (since 2003~)... (grump-gasm intensifying).
My last pos
Masks are applied to a group by applying the mask to each layer in the group, according to the help file.
It would be useful if a mapping transformation could be applied to a group, presumably by applying it to each layer. (A kaleidoscope transformation is one obvious example.)
posted Jan 3 at 12:25 am
I would like to create a file for my 3D Printer. I have seen it done with another program where you create a fractal, change some parameters, and then have the program generate several hundred images of all the fractals in between. Then they imported the images into Blender to generate a solid and output an STL file.
That was a pretty old video and thought there might be an easier way.
posted Mar 25 '24 at 3:39 am
So I've been trying to find different ways to get rid of this stutter that occurs at the start and end of my looping gradients.
The slower the animation, the more obvious it is but it's still there even when it's just 6 seconds on loop.
Example posted to YouTube
It occurred on my ancient PC and it still happens on my newer one which makes me think it's a software issue. Does anyone h
I hope the title suggest it all. Could some please explain the main differences?
posted Jan 13 '23 at 2:33 am
I found an interesting and visually pleasing phenomenon called Domain Coloring. Based on mathematical formulas, I don't know how closely it relates to fractals. I'm a big fan of rainbow coloring and when I stumbled upon these images I was mesmerized. Is there any way to make something like this in UF?
Here's a link:
The help file clearly states that, for complex z = (x,y),
|z| = sqr(x) + sqr(y).
It does not say that, for float x, |x| = sqr(x), but it should.
I recently discovered that the first public release (Ultra Fractal 2) was February 8, 1999. That was 25 years ago this year, and at the time we didn't know it and didn't celebrate the anniversary.
I don't know about version 3, but version 4 was released in 2006, version 5 in 2008, and version 6 in 2017.
I first bought Ultra Fractal 4 in September 2006. How about you?
posted Sep 30 '18 at 5:53 pm
Hi, after using only notebooks for over a decade, I am thinking about getting a (Windows) desktop PC. Not being much of a gamer, my primary concern with performance is deep-zooming the Mandelbrot set in UF. Does anybody have a suggestion for this, or even a benchmark computed on their machine?
I've read Frederik suggesting an i7. Is UF specifically tailored to Intel? I never read anything abo
I loaded a saved upr after changing a formula. I got the unhelpful message
Could not locate parameter 'which' in 'GenericGradientColoring' in 'Documents\Ultra Fractal 6\Formulas\Standard.ucl'
The missing parameter actually was in 'Shape Distance' in jlb.ulb. The chain is
Standard.ucl has GenericGradientColoring
jlb.ulb has Color by Distance, a sub-class of GenericGradientColoring
When I made a new class with a first line like this:
class NewTransform(UserTransform)(
instead of the correct
class NewTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform)(
the UF compiler made no complaint. NewTransform just didn't show up on my list of available UserTransform plug-ins.
(I don't see how the compiler would even know to look at this class to check for errors.)
I wrote a class that's a subclass of common.ulbivergentFormula. ←wth why a smiley?
The formula is purpose-built for a coloring algorithm where it is used hardcodedly (not as a class param), and I need to set the @p_bailout parameter to what the coloring needs (also hardcoded). Is there a way to do that, without writing my own m_bailout 'replacement' member in the class and overriding IsB
I am testing UF6 right now, and try to make the first formulas. For this i try to translate the trigonometric functions from here ... to UF.
(UF should have a complete 24 set of all trigonometric functions, for float and complex.)
Now i stack, because i not get it done to return a complex value.
Can somebody tell me how to return a complex
posted Jan 5 '16 at 3:28 pm
Im having odd, random crashes on my new macbook pro. awesome...
Considering the small, text based size/structure of .ufr's..
I assume an auto backup file thats generated in text and updated overtime i make a change would be easy to implement.
if uf wants to crash, fine. simply access the backup text file with every state of the ufr's history.
An iterate save option with a keyboard sh
When all pixels are Inside, the Statistics panel shows Min. iterations 0 and Max. iterations 0, and nothing on the Iterations graph. Shouldn't both of those values be #maxiter, not 0, and the graph be a vertical line?
Since I've been out of the loop for so long, I have no idea even how old Uf6 is. It seems like this forum is seldomly visited by people, the mailing list seems to be long dead, the showcase only contains ancient stuff, the pdf manual is incomplete, the online manual contains dead links, and to top it off, the subdomain for the public formula library seems to be dead in the water. Is there any hop
There are some things in the formula editor which would come in handy that I would like to see.
For loops.
From the C++ documentation ( ) :
The for loop is designed to iterate a number of times. Its syntax is:
for (initialization; condition; increase) statement;
Like the while-loop, this loop repeats statement while condition is true.
posted Jul 11 '24 at 7:27 pm
Have not used the application for some time UF6 Cannot open any formulas with error code as above and message "Cloud file provider is not working"
I recently picked UF.5 up again to do some math experiments. I wrote a coloring algorithm, but calculations became very slow at a zoom depth of 1e24. I read UF.6 was a lot faster and maybe perturbation could also help (as I'm using Mandelbrot).
Opening the fractal in UF.6, the coloring algorithm doesn't seem to work anymore. I tried loading a non-perturbation version of Mandel, but it still d
posted May 12 '23 at 5:24 pm
Where can I find examples of animated fractals with more than a million iterations in color and possibly accompanied by music