Creating a new formula

This topic shows step by step how to create your first fractal formula, a basic Mandelbrot set.

  1. Create a new fractal. It does not matter which formula is selected, since it will be replaced by your own.
  2. Click New on the File menu, and then click Fractal Formula File. The formula editor appears with an empty file.
  3. Click New Formula on the Insert menu. Enter "My Mandelbrot" as the title and click OK. The new entry should now appear in the formula editor.
  4. After the init: label, insert the following line:
    z = 0
    This initializes the complex variable z to (0,0).
  5. After the loop: label, insert the following line:
    z = z * z + #pixel
    This is the main equation for the Mandelbrot set. #pixel refers to the coordinates of the pixel being computed and will be different for every pixel. The statements in the loop section will be executed repeatedly.
  6. After the bailout: label, insert the following line:
    |z| < 4
    This defines when Ultra Fractal should stop repeating (or iterating) the statements in the loop section. With this condition, the loop section will be iterated as long as |z| (equal to sqr(real(z)) + sqr(imag(z))) remains smaller than (4,0).
  7. The formula should now look like this:
    MyMandelbrot {
      z = 0
      z = z * z + #pixel
      |z| < 4
      title = "My Mandelbrot"
  8. Save the new formula by clicking Save As on the File menu. Enter "My Formulas.ufm" as the filename and click Save.
  9. Now, click the Browse button in the Formula tab of the Layer Properties tool window. Select "My Mandelbrot" from the file "My Formulas" and click Open.
  10. Congratulations! You have just created your first fractal formula.


Next: Formula files and entries

See Also
Fractal formulas
Formula editors